

Beata te’ 義大利餐廳

Beata te′ 的義大利原文意思是「你好幸福」,是在台灣經營二十多年的知名義大利餐飲品牌洋緹Chianti的精品餐廳,堅持手工製作,講求自然風味,精心挑選食材,寬敞舒適的用餐環境,是洋緹二十多年來對經營餐廳的堅持,得天獨厚的 300 坪戶外露臺,坐擁 101 美景,在 Beata te′ 用餐,不禁讓人感到幸福!

Beata te’ in Italian means “You don’t know how lucky you are!" It is the latest venture by renown Italian restaurant brand Chianti Taipei since 1996.

In years we dedicate in authentic, handmade northern Italian cuisine. Only use prime quality ingredients, mostly imported from Italy.

A stunning outdoor terrace that offers extraordinary alfresco dining experience. As the name suggests, in here you can truly find yourself the meaning of “Beata te'".